The 14th CURIE seminar(Lecturer:Prof. Tadahiro Kuroda)was held.
The 13th CURIE seminar ( Lecturer : Prof. Takao Mori ) was held
The12th CURIE seminar (Lecturer: HU, Xiao, NIMS Group Leader, Topological Quantum Materials Theory Group, Quantum Materials Field, Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics) was held.
The eleventh CURIE seminar (Lecturer: Atsushi WAKAMIYA, Professor, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University) was held.
The tenth CURIE seminar Lecturer:Shunsuke FUKAMI, Professor, Research Institute of Electrical Communication of Tohoku University)was held.
The ninth CURIE seminar(Lecturer: Hiroki AGO, Professor, Global Innovation Center, Kyushu University)was held.
Call for Participation: 2nd International Symposium on Trans-Scale Quantum Science on November 8 to 11
The eighth CURIE seminar(Lecturer: Yasumitsu Orii, Executive Officer, NAGASE Co.,<D.) was held.
The seventh CURIE seminar (Lecturer: Manako Takashi, Unit Leader,
Center for Research and Development Strategy, Japan Science and
Technology Agency) was held. -
The sixth CURIE seminar(Lecturer:Keiichi Inoue ,Associate professor,The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo) was held.
The fifth CURIE seminar(Lecturer: Momoji Kubo, Professor, Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University) was held.
The fourth CURIE seminar (Lecturer: Katsuaki Sato, Emeritus professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology) was held.